These two books from Sonny Brewer have limited availability.

Rembrandt the Rocker is a parable on aging, posing as a children’s book, and a good read for kids up to about a ninety-nine years old. Sonny self-published this book after the birth of his first son in Fairhope, Alabama. You’ll only find this book in the “Used and Rare” section at independent bookstores.

A little of the back story: There was Sonny hanging out in the labor and delivery room, just cheering on his wife, Diana, until the magic deed was accomplished. Then he followed the nurse, who was taking little brand new John Luke down to swab him down a bit, and put some stuff in his eyes. Then the nurse told the dad that he could sit and rock the new boy. Sonny looked and saw two rockers in the infant nursery, a new one and an old one. The old one was pushed back into the corner, had a lab coat and a stethoscope on it. The new rocker was front and center, ready for action.

First, Sonny, told the nurse it was shameful that the old chair was being misused and neglected just because it had some age, and a loose joint or two.

Then, after the nurse told him she’d been up all night and, frankly, did not care one way or the other which chair he sat in, Sonny cleared the old chair and sat down with his new baby boy. In that state of grace, with his son only minutes old, the whole story of Rembrandt the Rocker came to him as the saga of an old family heirloom rocker that gets put in the back bedroom in favor of a new gliding rocker from the mall. Only problem is, the gliding rocker doesn’t know how to get the new baby to sleep. Enter the retired Rembrandt to save the day.

Sonny Brewer hopes to find a new publisher for this enchanting story, so readers don’t have to contend with crabby old used booksellers to buy a copy. We’ll keep you posted right here at this website.

A Yin for Change is a book of “dime store philosophy” that declares right on its front cover: “If you want a better pot of gumbo, fool around with the recipe until it tastes better!”

Then the author, Sonny Brewer, goes on to examine brain hemisphere specialization, less toward the physiology of the brain (but with enough hard science thrown in to set up the pitch for more creative thinking) than toward the concept of the yin-yang duality of perception and expression itself.

The subtitle of the book is “Awakening imagination for more life in your living.” A Yin for Change focuses on the fundamental power of the mind to shape and change a person’s reality. The story is told in simple and colorful language, against a backdrop of colorful and kaleidoscopic sources and anecdotes, and promises to open forgotten doors to opportunity and personal fulfillment.

There are several brand new copies of this book available only from the shelves of Over the Transom Bookstore in Fairhope, Martin Lanaux bookseller. Here is the link to Martin’s entire inventory at